News & Results

March 2023
Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

We held our Annual general meeting last evening in Pretoria and disappointingly only 18 people attended. As usual we held the meeting during the running of the SA National Seniors tournament where there are greater number of our members playing. When the tournament has been held in Bloemfontein we had around 60 or 70 attending the meeting and the dinner. But there seems to be a reluctance from those members who live in Johannesburg to travel back from Pretoria in the dark.

To try and accommodate people who would travel back, we held the meeting earlier and although we did not have a dinner per se, we did provide canapes and cocktails together with a pasta dish.

The chairman, Mike Dunk, delivered his report for 2022 and a copy of the report has been posted onto this web site. I urge you all to read the report so you can see what the club has done over the past year.

The financial situation was tabled and we showed a surplus of almost R9000 was shown which had the effect of increasing our equity to almost R150000. Subscriptions were slightly down as a number of our members turned 80 last year which elevated them to honorary status whereby no fees were due from them. Interest showed a healthy increase to compensate for the loss of membership fees.

Expenses were contained with bank charges again showing an increase, something over which we have no control. Our biggest expense was the entry fees for the ladies who took part in the La Coretta cup in Washington. We felt that we should support those who represent us at international functions and will continue to do so, funds being available of course.

Mike Dunk was re-elected unopposed as chairman and the current committee voted back en bloc so we retain the continuity.

Although there was not a dinner as such, the variety of canapes provided were plentiful and in an attempt to ensure we did not have a late night in view of possible travel home, the evening still ensured that with plenty of time spent with fellow members reminiscing and enjoying the company, the evening still did not finish until almost 20;00.

We must look to see how we can hold future such meetings to ensure that we include more members as we feel that with that small number we are not being inclusive enough and sharing with other members our activities of the past year. The chairmans report and financial position has been forwarded to all members.